Tuesday 4 October 2011

WEEK 11 Origination

Wednesday October 5, 2011

READING: The Laws of Simplicity; John Maeda

• Intro and Law 10 – The One

Reference (image above): http://lawsofsimplicity.com/2006/07/23/law-10-the-one/

Reading Quiz
Answer the following questions as succinctly as possible in your own words
10 mins: Cut & paste into your blog and start answers / 10 mins: Open discussion

1. What does Maeda call the 3 keys?

 away - Moving complexity away to make it seem simpler
 open - Becoming vulnerable by being honest and open with information
 power - 
Get more out of something by using less power

2. Describe how you have used these in your work towards TEN SQUARED? Give
at least one example of each key.

away - There are many different parts to build my 3D Irrigation Coffee table but by planning and Isolating the key parts I can make a series of parts come together in simple form
open -  Displaying the process on how I got to my final 2D and 3D designs to the finish
power - By choosing to design a coffee table from irrigation parts I dont have to use any power for my exhibit than if i went with the Fridge Coffee Table idea.

3. Describe an incident in the production of TEN SQUARED where technology has
been an enabler…. and another where it has been a disabler!

Our Design Logo was knocked back by the corporate branding at CDU. Technology has enabled us to change the colour of our design logo very quickly rather than having to re-draw and colour physically on paper. 

Technology has been a disabler where I have lost my 2D project file due to not saving my work or a software error. Whereas if it was on paper it would never fully disappear.

4. At this stage in the exhibition process you are all working on some element or
process for the big event. List 3 things (in your current project) that you could
take away to simplify and one thing you could add for meaning.

1. Take away all the non relevant computer files associated with the exhibition
2. Collate and put away any parts not used in the 3D design
3. Organise Exhibit files into appropriate folders eg drafts, finals, layouts, invites

Add for Meaning:
A Mascot for our Ten Squared Exhibition.

Simplifying Design

Reference (image above)::https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiPZ54WHDCqW31KkyeuowoiJDkYdqqQ6tGJx919I2q-ctjntMUSo_AU6G2ShZ_ENJj34mt30KPDFyORbvtOuUJ8NU-uTJwnxtJRrHOhXXDk-ylXrntIhzTjXYnDszuFRpOs7kYpzV5f9bs/s1600/05.jpeg

Youtube Clip

Simplifying the Content Design



In this video Rob explains that we need to simplify our heavy design structure so it is easy to find. There's is so much design out there and it is not really catergorised. I agree with Rob that we need to collate all this important data and put it into a simple, easy to read and access format because we are inundated with technology and design these days. This clip is not very entertaining and I tended to look at the painting while he was talking but I agree on what he is saying.


We all actually found this weeks reading quiz quite challenging. We really had to think hard about how we can simplify our designs for exhibition even further using Maeda's Keys. I found that Maeda tended to drag the last chapter out to conclude what was a brilliant book. I think he spoilt the book by making the conclusion more complex than the laws he talked about. I guess he just wanted to 

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