Tuesday 30 August 2011

Week 07 – Origination

Wednesday August 31, 2011

READING: The Laws of Simplicity; John Maeda
 • Intro and Law 6 – Context
Law 6
“What lies in the periphery of simplicity
is definitely not peripheral”

  1. What does the word ENTROPY mean and why is this relevant?
It is like a natural flow of energy gathering momentum into disorder. Maeda implies that we need to fight against this

  1. If you are attuned to everything around you, does it help you deal with what is in front of you and why or why not?
You need to concentrate on what you are doing but also be aware of your surroundings to make sure you are on track and take in important information from valuable sources that you would usually block out. Contexualising with what is going on around you.

  1. How is this different from FOCUS?
You need to look at the bigger picture step back look what’s going on before you apply your attention to a certain area.

  1. Being comfortably lost is a balance between what 2 feelings?

Reference (image above):Comfortably Lost

  1. Describe a recent scenario when you found yourself to be comfortably lost. Did you enjoy the sensation?
Moving to Sydney I didn’t really know where I was half the time because it was big and daunting yet I knew I could ask a local or get on my Google maps. It was just fun to explore.

6. If you couldnt hold back the urge to write on the dont write on this pagepage –
What would you write?
I would draw my creative patterns all over it

Thinking Game – Lateral Thinking DISCUSSION

Reference (image above):Thinking Man

Edward de Bono’s “6 Thinking Hats”
• Which HAT best represents your group?
Our group is “Branding” and so the best hat could be the white hat

• Why?
White signifies clarity
This will help think about the key fundamentals of the Brand “Ten Squared” and what it stands for.

• Describe an Exhibition Group meeting where you may adopt the BLACK hat
If our Logo and tagline design exceeds the time allocated according to the time line and/or the design itself does not represent the exhibition successfully we need to shift it on track
• In your blog write 6 labeled paragraphs on your group’s progress to date, using each of the 6 hats as a perspective.

The white hat
White signifies clarity
We thought about the key fundamentals of the Brand “Ten Squared” and what it stands for

The yellow hat
Yellow instils happiness
We explored and applied the successes of other brands and visualised the positive outcomes

The black hat
Black is like a canvas for perspective and criticism
The branding went off on a tangent so we had to be aware of the timeline to keep on track

The red hat
Red is like the moods
We discovered what we liked and didn’t about the design ideas for the branding and the exhibition

The green hat
Green resembles growth and new life
We allowed our thoughts and ideas to develop the Brand

The blue hat
Blue can be associated with calm and control
We made sure everything was in perspective and asked each other for input on how the Brand is developing

YouTube Clip

Indigo Introduces de Bono's Six Thinking Hats®

This was a clear and concise outline of the definition of the 6 thinking hats used in design. I liked how the narrator got to the point straight away and explained all the elements in less than a minute. This clip goes to show that you can explain something that seems complex in less than a minute.

We are delving deeper into understanding the thought processes going into the design thinking process and the six hats really bring this home in conjunction with Maeda’s book. I find that I conduct most of the processes anyway but there are always a few aspects I haven’t thought of that can save a lot of time and money down the track. I am inspired at Maeda's attempt on breaking down the laws of design but I believe he can condense these even more. He puts alot of his own personality into the book which is comforting in a sense that you can relate as a human. I think however, in a 14 week design course you tend to be in a rush and want just the bare essentials of his teachings. You can then apply it practically to your own work without wasting precious time. 

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