Tuesday 2 August 2011

Week 03 - Origination

Wednesday 3rd August 2011

Firstly the class today discussed the second chapter of John Maeda’s book -  Laws of Simplicity.


 Answer the following questions as succinctly as possible in your own words
1. What does the acronym SLIP mean according to Maeda?
Sort, Label, Integrate, Prioritise

2. Define each character of the acronym, S L I P in one sentence
We need to sort our total information into specific groups, name those groups, work out which groups are similar and different then put the most important or urgent groups first.

3. What does Maeda say is only a pinkie away? 
You can easily just use your pinkie on the TAB key to collate your results

4. Why is this important to us as designers?
We need to group our results into simple organization

5. What are the principles of gestalt psychological theory? 
Pure Shape & Form

6. Where might one find the aesthetics of blur?
Common in Art History and impressionist paintings.

7. Why is blur important in interactive design?
 You can blur groups to integrate and gain perspective

8. Why do good designers squint when they look at something? 
To see the forest for the trees. Make sure they are on track with their projects.

 A series of identical dots by themselves look cluttered but by separating some of them a clear group is made.
Reference (above image): Gestalt Psychology grouping dots John Maeda Laws of Simplicity

In three simple steps, group placement can be categorised and blurred so one can organise and not lose sight of the bigger picture

Reference (above image): Gestalt Psychology grouping dots into blur- John Maeda Laws of Simplicity

Chapter 2 Reflection:

I didn’t like chapter two as much as the introduction and the first chapter. I found the author became too involved in his own system of organization structure that it confused things when he placed his individual group elements into different categories. I grasped what he was trying to achieve overall but he had too many abbreviations for his own tasks that it became the opposite of simple. I did however confirm my belief about the Pareto Principle that using any given data, that eighty percent can be managed at a lower priority whereas twenty percent requires immediate attention.

When Maeda talks about the design of iPod controls I can see where he is coming from but I find these controls unaesthetically appealing. The circular buttons do however reflect the almost childlike forms associated with the Apple product.

YouTube Clip: The Laws of Simplicity by John Maeda
Uploaded by “Julianayup”


I found this clip interesting at first as it tried to put across in a series of pictures, what John Maeda has written about in words. It was as I got further into the four minute something clip that this was not endorsed by John Maeda at all but an interpretation of his ideas. This was disappointing as it originally seems as if it was posted by Maeda. The pictures used eventually did not reflect accurately enough what Maeda is trying to portray. The font used in the chapters in the clip were not simple and easy to read but should be to reflect the idea of reduction.

Thinking Game


In the below exercise adopt 4 different perspectives and describe 4 different
interpretations of each of the following non-verbal communications. Write the results directly into your blog.

1.A person nods his/her head up and down
Agreeing to something
Refusing Something (India means No)
To Summon
To say hello

 2  A person’s lower lip trembles slightly
They are cold
Want to cry

3.A person smiles slightly

4  A person yawns
Contagious from others yawning

5  A person shrugs his/her shoulders
Don’t Care
Stress Release

6  A person inhales quickly
Sudden Idea

Category Planning

LOGISTICS – equipment, installation, funding

PROMOTIONS – design, special guest, theme, web content>Video, social media>FB, Radio ad, Open day>schedule, Nicole Manapol, Branding, Entertainment

Above: Class Assigned Groups were organised


  1. Brilliant post. Just insert the label "Thinking Game" above "Perspectives" and this is a 10. You even labelled "Commentary".

    This week 9.9!
