Tuesday 13 September 2011

Week 08 - Collaboration

Wednesday 14th September 2011

This week we looked at our behaviour patterns in different areas and questioned how we would behave in different scenarios. We also examined how we share ideas and inspire each other.

Group Exercise - DISCUSSION
Relinquishing Ownership
Discuss these questions in relation to a group creating a design in collaboration
We discussed our responses among the group and I have included my personal responses below:

01 - Do you usually think your ideas are the best?
No I take pride in my work but will acknowledge another person’s work if I think it is better than mine
02 - Are you shy in presenting ideas?
Not usually. If I really like my idea I will be proud to let it be known
03 - Do you hold back your best ideas?
Not usually however sometimes if I think it is a completely original idea that will shock and awe in its finished form then I will withhold it until completion.
04 - Are you happy when others want to change your ideas?
I am not happy if they want to change it but if they are suggesting ideas I am happy to take them on board.
05 - Are you totally truthful when you are asked for opinions on others work?
I try to be truthful with all due respect and give them a positive suggestion for the areas I don’t like
06 - Would you ever present somebody elses idea as your own?
07 - Would you borrow just a little bit?
Yes if it inspires me I will borrow a small aspect of it.
08 - How would you feel if somebody borrowed just a little bit of your idea?
If it was small I wouldn’t mind but it is nice to be appreciated for that small inspiration
09 - Do you think you have any ideas that are totally original?
I try to but it is very hard these days to come up with a design that no one has thought of at all.
10 - Would you feel the same way about that original idea in 30 years?
Not completely because I would have experienced a lot more in life and thought over time
11 - Does knowledge of design history help or hinder your idea originality?
Both. Knowledge can help by knowing ideas that have already been done yet can stray your mind from thinking without boundaries
12 - Would you be prepared to sell an idea?
Yes I would because then I can relax knowing I did something good and be paid or recognised for it.

Three Wise Monkeys
These monkeys represent the behaviour people can take on when they choose to ignore something. This theoretically means the person will not pass on information by mouth will pretend not to see nor hear what is going on. It is usually a result of ignoring undesirable activity to avoid being held responsible and for not alerting others:

Reference (Image above): Say no evil, See no evil, Speak no evil

Blog Exercise – The Legal Framework / Creative Content

1. Understanding the law
2. Defining your own ethical approach
3. Committing to applying your own code of conduct in the workplace

Blog Exercise 1 – The Legal Framework / Creative Content
Research and blog on the following:

  1. The Berne Convention
The Berne Convention is an International Protection of Literary and Artistic Works, which govern copyright. It was first introduced in Berne, Switzerland in 1886.

  1. IP (Intellectual Property) legislation in Australia
The legal protection of Australian Property created by mind or intellect. Which include patents, trade marks, designs, etc

  1. Australian Copyright Law
“Copyright is a form of intellectual property recognised under the Berne Convention and embodied in Australia in the Copyright Act 1968.”
Reference: http://www.aesharenet.com.au/backgroundinformation/026outline.asp

  1. Creative Commons
Allows licences to be issued to allow minimum reproduction/replication with credit given to the original/originator

  1. P2P networks and software licences
Peer to Peer networks are very useful and a great way to share mass information but a lot of the time it is used to transfer copyright works illegally which is wrong. Software Licences allow the legal owners of software to distribute their product/s allowing customers to have legal proof they own a registered and legal copy of the product.

Blog Exercise 2 – The Legal Framework / Creative Content
Answer these questions:
  1. Is it illegal to copy a design?
Yes but if you reference the original in some instances it is ok

  1. Is it ethical to sell a non-original design as your own?
Not really. Again if you reference that it is not original you may be ok

  1. What is the difference between ethics and law?
Ethics are morals and values that guide you whereas law is stated rules and guidelines, which have been socially accepted and enforced for the good of humankind

  1. Do you value others intellectual property the same as your own?
Almost as much. I value mine more because it is my own but I certainly highly value others’ ideas because they inspire me and their ideas are ver real to them.

Blog Exercise 3 – The Legal Framework / Creative Content
Make a list of 5 behaviour principles you consider essential for each of these:

  1. At CDU in the MacLabs
Respect,  Communicative, Mindful, Mildy Professional, Co-operative

  1. Outside class in a social setting
Humourous, Communicative, Friendly, Social, Fun

  1. In a professional workplace in which you may be employed after studies
Time Efficient, Respect, Professional, Punctual, Communicative

Bad Behaviour

Reference (Image above): Bad Behaviour Cartoon

YouTube Clip

Professional Behavior


This clip outlines two scenarios in the workplace on how not to act in the professional world. The first scene had two colleagues talking about idle chit chat whilst their nearby work mate had to answer a work call. The other was a colleague coming in and invading the workspace of another colleague. Seeing this acted out is a very effective tool in seeing how to act in the workplace.


This was a great class to really put you in the shoes of a person who has taken an idea from someone or had their idea taken from them. It is good to examine this before it has actually happened on a professional scale. Many of us have had some form of this happen to them already but we can see that the stakes become much higher and costly in the commercial world.

1 comment:

  1. Another great post. Good organization of topics, honest answers, and excellent research. The only room for improvement here is to make commentary on the Legal Framework section.

    You normally have no problem expressing your views, so even when it's a research topic, you will benefit by doing some reflection and discussing the topic in relation to your own experience.

    Well done overall.
