Tuesday 27 September 2011

Week 10 - Origination

Wednesday 28th September 2011

Today we discussed Chapter 9 of Maeda’s book and everyone gave an update of where the groups are at for the exhibition.

READING: The Laws of Simplicity; John Maeda
 Intro and Law 9 – Failure

Reference (Image above): Maeda Law 9: Failure
WEEK 10 – 28/9/11 © 2011 School of Creative Arts & Humanities, Charles Darwin University

Reading Quiz

Answer the following questions as succinctly as possible in your own words
10 mins: Cut & paste into your blog and start answers / 10 mins: Open discussion

1.Using Ten Squared as an example, describe an aspect of your work or something you have worked on, where you have found a symbiotic relationship that is both complexity and simplicity

The logo ten squared looks complex with a series of splashed paint and artwork however it has been applied as a simple process of evolution.

2. Provide a conceptual example of a situation that has arisen during this project
where you have had a return on failure?

We had an idea to go around and gain sponsorship from businesses because we thought a friendly face would be more effective. In practice we found that many of the businesses were not prepared for our visits and on the back foot and we only got to see a few people in the time allocated. We found that if we called the businesses, we could get a lot more sponsors.

3. How are you using the laws in relation to your contribution to The Ten Squared exhibition? Provide a short explanation and example for TWO of the laws so far. Use your work towards and your examples

Organise –  We all pulled together in different areas to make light work of an exhibition that takes a lot of organising.

Time – We had some deadlines along the way well before the exhibition so we have time to finalise our logo, sponsors and send out the invitations

Reference (Image above): Failure http://bloodsweatdice.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/failure.jpg

YouTube Clip

Michael Jordan "Failure" Nike Commercial



It is only a thirty second ad, but it sums up our topic for this week on failure. Michael Jordan appears on a nike ad reciting the amount of times he recalls failing in his chosen sport of basketball. These were big fails in the eyes of the sport. This is the most famous and one of the best basket ballers of all time and to admit failure in order to succeed, suddenly makes us realise he is human and that we all fail . Even the superstars succumb to failure.


Today was mainly about catching up with everyone to see where we are all at in regards to the exhibition. There’s only four weeks to go so we seem on track at this stage. I am starting to visualise what my exhibition setup will be like. For the 3D element, I would like to sit a coffee table on some artificial grass that is slightly bigger than the table. For the 2D design I was thinking of applying the irrigation design onto a t-shirt. Mark the Lecturer suggested I could use a mannikin from the fashion room to display the shirt on. This could be an option. I need to finalise my logo so i can get the shirt made before the deadline.

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