Tuesday 20 September 2011

Week 09 - Origination

Wednesday 21st September 2011

This week’s lesson was about trust and its involvement in our exhibition.

Reference (Image above): “The Laws of Simplicity” – John Maeda – Chapter 8: TRUST week 09 Origination Handouts pdf

Reading Quiz

Answer the following questions as succinctly as possible in your own words
10 mins: Cut & paste into your blog and start answers / 10 mins: Open discussion

1. Provide an example of a situation where you have to have trust – in the same
vein as the author in his swimming lesson example. What made you trust in this
situation and how did you feel?

When I was learning to scuba dive when I was eleven. The Instructors spent a lot of time on surface and out of the water even with the use of the breathing apparatus. I was wondering when all the theory and breathing on the surface of a training pool would eventuate under the water. I found though when we did finally breathe under water I already trusted my regulator (breathing apparatus) and trusted I was in good hands because it wasn’t suddenly foreign to me.

2. Where in our exhibition do we need to instill trust? Give examples. How are we going to achieve this?

We need to have good marketing and trust the reputation of our University.
We need to trust our lecturers as they have generally seen the process and outcomes before. We need to trust our institute for guiding us with the foundation of knowledge, we need to trust our classmates in their co-operation and we need to trust ourselves. Sometime we don’t trust ourselves enough and we find we can achieve things a lot easier than first assumed.

3. What strategies are used to instill trust?
Offering something free


Where do we need to employ this in Ten Squared?

At the exhibition or via marketing

How are we going to do this?

4. If you could “undo” any aspect of the preparation for the exhibition to-date, what would you “undo”?

Visiting only a handful of potential sponsor companies instead of ringing many more.

With this in mind, what would you change now in your
preparation strategy to overcome having to “undo” anything?

After driving around for half a day meeting potential sponsorship companies we should have just called a lot more businesses by phone. It was a waste of time and money just visiting a handful of companies.

5. Homework: How are you using the laws in relation to your contribution to
the ten squared exhibition?
Provide a short explanation and example for each of the laws so far.

Reduce – I have condensed all our tasks into a checklist
Organise – I organised which locations to visit first so we didn’t have to backtrack.
Time – I agreed to a time when we would knock over all our tasks for the exhibition effectively
Learn – I looked at last year’s exhibition invitations to gain inspiration
Differences – I adapted to the body language of different companies to gain rapport quickly
Context – I fine tuned my approach to the businesses using a simple method of procedure
Emotion – We had to create an emotion in our potential sponsors to get them to sponsor us
Trust – I had to trust the girls to organise their paperwork so I could present it to the sponsors trusting all the info was on there.

The son trusts his father will catch him.

YouTube Clip

Extreme Trust Fall



The video I chose today is a typical trust exercise where a person stands on a high perch and voluntarily falls backwards instilling the trust in the group that is waiting below to catch them.
This clip is slightly different as they run away after the lady starts counting down and return only at the last minute to catch her. We can apply similar group trust in our classmates and our exhibition audience.


I didn’t really think about trust as an element of design however Maeda’s chapter was quite interesting. We need to make sure that we don’t put all our trust into all forms of design otherwise if it falls through and there is no back up. We need to trust but also be responsible. The remainder of the class today was hearing from the different exhibition groups and their progress towards the exhibition. We established that the sponsors don’t have long to et back to us before the info goes to print and also that we need extra people to help find a few more sponsors. We heard the audio for our radio ad today and it sounded good! We need to make sure corporate comms has our info so when it goes to air that the CDU website has our ten squared content.

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